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Monday, 21 November 2016

The work continues

October 26th
The past month has gone well - we only lost one Wednesday - on November 9th the slopes were too slippery after the previous night's rain. So far this year we have concentrated on clearing vegetation to create suitable habitat for the primroses and cowslips to appear as food plants for the Duke of Burgundy next Spring.
  We have volunteers performing various functions: starting and tending the fire, tree cutting using chainsaws and handsaws, cutting tall plant growth using brush cutters, dragging cut wood to the fire, raking and carrying cut brush to the fire using forks. The use of brush cutters and chainsaws requires specialist courses, certification and personal protection equipment so we have a limited number of volunteers who can use these tools. Some more volunteers will attend training courses soon to increase our specialist work force.
October 26:

November 2:

a hame, part of a horse harness, turned up in the undergrowth

November 16: