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Thursday, 20 October 2016

First work party of the winter season

Heyshott escarpment at its best
Yesterday 13 volunteers climbed Heyshott escarpment to begin the new season's weekly clearance programme. Last year we had an excellent showing of the butterfly that this work is designed to benefit - the Duke of Burgundy.
  We welcome newcomers to our weekly work parties which are mostly held on Wednesday mornings. More information can be found here:

Heyshott is one of the great success stories of butterfly conservation in the UK and further information about the Duke of Burgundy and all the Sussex butterflies will be found in the new Butterfly Conservation Atlas of Sussex butterflies which will be published in 2017:-

Andy K, John, Peter, Colin, Katrina, Nick, Mike H, Nigel, Garry
missing from photo: Mike E, Greg, Paul, Andy S 

Mike E inspects his brush cutter and Greg tends the fire
2 supervisors...
Paul, showing his raking skills

Monday, 17 October 2016

Murray Downland Trust AGM and Annual Talk

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Graeme Lyons, Sussex Wildlife Trust's ecologist, will be presenting the results of his invetebrate survey, undertaken with Mike Edwards, on the MDT's South Downs nature reserves on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 in the Cobden Hall, Heyshott, West Sussex GU29 0DJ. The AGM starts at 6.45pm, refreshments at 7.00pm, before the talk at 7.30pm.

His talk is open to all. We understand that Graeme and Mike have discovered species which were previously unrecorded in Sussex so a fascinating evening is envisaged.