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Monday, 21 November 2016

The work continues

October 26th
The past month has gone well - we only lost one Wednesday - on November 9th the slopes were too slippery after the previous night's rain. So far this year we have concentrated on clearing vegetation to create suitable habitat for the primroses and cowslips to appear as food plants for the Duke of Burgundy next Spring.
  We have volunteers performing various functions: starting and tending the fire, tree cutting using chainsaws and handsaws, cutting tall plant growth using brush cutters, dragging cut wood to the fire, raking and carrying cut brush to the fire using forks. The use of brush cutters and chainsaws requires specialist courses, certification and personal protection equipment so we have a limited number of volunteers who can use these tools. Some more volunteers will attend training courses soon to increase our specialist work force.
October 26:

November 2:

a hame, part of a horse harness, turned up in the undergrowth

November 16:

Thursday, 20 October 2016

First work party of the winter season

Heyshott escarpment at its best
Yesterday 13 volunteers climbed Heyshott escarpment to begin the new season's weekly clearance programme. Last year we had an excellent showing of the butterfly that this work is designed to benefit - the Duke of Burgundy.
  We welcome newcomers to our weekly work parties which are mostly held on Wednesday mornings. More information can be found here:

Heyshott is one of the great success stories of butterfly conservation in the UK and further information about the Duke of Burgundy and all the Sussex butterflies will be found in the new Butterfly Conservation Atlas of Sussex butterflies which will be published in 2017:-

Andy K, John, Peter, Colin, Katrina, Nick, Mike H, Nigel, Garry
missing from photo: Mike E, Greg, Paul, Andy S 

Mike E inspects his brush cutter and Greg tends the fire
2 supervisors...
Paul, showing his raking skills

Monday, 17 October 2016

Murray Downland Trust AGM and Annual Talk

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Graeme Lyons, Sussex Wildlife Trust's ecologist, will be presenting the results of his invetebrate survey, undertaken with Mike Edwards, on the MDT's South Downs nature reserves on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 in the Cobden Hall, Heyshott, West Sussex GU29 0DJ. The AGM starts at 6.45pm, refreshments at 7.00pm, before the talk at 7.30pm.

His talk is open to all. We understand that Graeme and Mike have discovered species which were previously unrecorded in Sussex so a fascinating evening is envisaged.

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Legacy Of Betty Murray

After delivering a butterfly identification and recording workshop for the South Downs Volunteer Ranger Service (VRS), held at the National Park Authority's offices in Midhurst (20.5.16), a large group of us headed to Heyshott Escarpment, to put theory into practice. I was assisted by Jayne Chapman (BC Hants Reserves Officer) and BC/VRS stalwart Arthur Greenwood. 

As always, Heyshott risked giving an entirely false impression of the plight facing some of our rarer and more localised species. If one were to live entirely within the confines of the Murray Downland Trust's flagship reserve, it would be easy to think that all was well with the natural world. At one point I became genuinely concerned that people might tread on some of the Duke of Burgundies scattered liberally over the ground. It came as a relief to occasionally find a more common species on which the group could hone its identification skills, but for much of the time it was “Duke of Burgundy, Duke of Burgundy, Duke of Burgundy, Duke of Burgundy”.

Having recently made an accurate count of 135 Dukes here (almost exclusively males - 129), and knowing the numbers usually encountered within each pit, it soon became obvious to me that I was looking at a larger population than I've ever experienced before. After our group had departed I returned to make a more accurate assessment, but time only allowed a rapid one-hour count over about one-third of the productive area. 
Females were out in abundance today and I saw a total of five pairings without having to search very thoroughly. I also came across only my second ever example of the pale aberrant form leucodes (it looks rather like a very faded specimen but isn't!). It's been a very good season for aberrant Sussex Dukes, as I've had the pleasure of sharing two specimens of the rare ab. albomaculata (one including traits of the less remarkable ab. gracilens) with a few friends on another site.

Over some parts of the reserve which seldom support more than one or two Dukes, today there were many. At times the air was full of butterflies, with males chasing males, males chasing females, and males chasing Dingy Skippers and Green Hairstreaks. In several places I counted the number of individuals sitting within an imaginary one metre square, which reached eight in the most favoured hollow (5m, 3f), during a cool, dull spell. The last species I saw in comparable densities was the African Grass Blue in Furteventura. Even at 4.30 pm, males were descending on recently unfurled wings from the steep back-wall at the top of the reserve. 

So how many Dukes were flying over Heyshott Escarpment today? I generally prefer not to estimate or extrapolate, but it is important to record, even imprecisely, the unprecedented recovery of the Duke of Burgundy, on a site where it had come so perilously close to extinction. Today there were at least 200 Dukes on these remarkable slopes. 

Everyone who has played a part in the conservation work at this Murray Downland Trust reserve should feel very proud of what has been achieved here. I would like to think that the late Betty Murray ( is looking down on proceedings with an approving eye.

by Neil Hulme » Sun May 22, 2016 1:34 am (
article copied with author's permission. photos © Neil Hulme

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Dukes a plenty ...

Heyshott Escarpment, 14 May 2016

Duke of Burgundy (Hamearis lucina)

Despite the early forecast of variable and cloudy conditions we need not have worried as the coats were soon off as I led a party of 20 members of the Haslemere Natural History Society around the fabulous Heyshott Escarpment reserve earlier today, Saturday, 14th May. Located due east of the village of Cocking and just south of the village of Heyshott in West Sussex, this wonderful downland reserve is the jewel in the crown of the Murray Downland Trust; its riches being revealed in some plentitude today.

In descending order of abundance we recorded 9 species of butterfly including Duke of Burgundy, Green Hairstreak, Dingy Skipper, Grizzled Skipper, Red Admiral, Green-veined White and singletons of Peacock, Small Heath and Orange-tip. In addition and further to Neil Hulme’s walk on Sunday, 8th May when, referring to the Duke of Burgundy at Heyshott, he reported, “following several false starts, it appears that this species might now be colonising the western flank”, we too found a single female prospecting this area of the reserve. This is excellent news and long may this advance continue …

More at:

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Work parties forging ahead

Cuckoo Flower, Cardamine pratensis
Our Wednesday morning work parties have been spent clearing more wood from the slopes. We anticipate another good year for the Duke of Burgundy butterfly as a reward for the hundreds of volunteer hours spent cutting, clearing and burning of the scrub and wood. We often have wonderful views over the Downs and yesterday was no exception, although not as good as those enjoyed by the three buzzards that wheeled overhead. Cuckoo Flowers (Lady's Smock) have emerged on the bank by the main path and Primroses have been in flower for a few weeks.
February 10:

taken by John Murray (Naomi had left earlier)
Four Butterfly Conservation volunteers joined five MDT volunteers
February 3:

taken by Colin Knight
January 20:

January 13: